At our weekly staff meeting I asked everyone in the office to share their favorite part of the holidays

Favorite Part of The Holidays
At our weekly staff meeting I asked everyone in the office to share their favorite part of the holidays

by Abeer Sweis
December 20, 2018
I loved their answers:

Patricia looks forward to getting together with family who are spread across the world throughout the rest of the year. Erin can’t wait to see the joy on her son’s face as he opens his presents. Amanda C. enjoys carrying out annual holiday traditions with family. Amanda B. eats latkes and spends Christmas day at the beach. Jessica likes spending time with her Mom who has been “snowbirding” nearby for 5 holiday seasons now. Georgeanna relishes slowing down and spending time with her kids. And Jeff indulges in leftovers that he hasn’t had to cook from all the festive holiday parties.

And I love helping to make someone else’s holiday memorable. Every year our office adopts families in need who have children in treatment at Children’s Hospital. Finding and giving the perfect gifts to these families is my favorite part of the holidays.

From our family to yours, warm wishes for a holiday season full of your favorites.
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