The Art and Design of Feng Shui

Courtesy of Pinterest

The Art and Design of Feng Shui

by Sweiskloss Staff
January 25, 2024
Want to feel more energized, productive, and less stressed? Some believe harmony, balance, and overall wellness can be achieved through the ancient technique of feng shui. Designing using the principles of feng shui became popular in the west after President Nixon’s historical visit to China in 1972, and remains popular today.

What is feng shui? The art of feng shui has been around for over 6,000 years and dictates how to arrange spaces to achieve better energy flow. Feng is the Chinese word for wind, and shui is the word for water; roughly translated as “the way of wind and water.” Feng shui is a complex technique of measuring and assessing Chinese astrology, metaphysics, Qi (or Chi), the five elements, and yin-yang energy.

Qi, which means air or breath, is the foundation of feng shui. It is the flow of energy that links all existence together and is referred to as “life force” or “material energy.” Some say simply decluttering a home or office will help Qi flow better. The five elements of fire, water, earth, metal, and wood when used in certain combinations will help with positive Qi pertaining to various life goals. And yin-yang has to do with passive and active energy working harmoniously. Tools used in the application of feng shui are the luopan compass and bagua map.

Here are some feng shui design tips to consider:
  1. Keep your front door clean and place objects, like plants and light fixtures, in a balanced way on either side of the door to draw in energy;
  2. Clutter is a huge no-no, especially in hallways; Clearing out or organizing spaces will help you feel less overwhelmed in your physical and mental space. Consider using hidden storage solutions to keep your space clear yet functional;
  3. Put fresh flowers on display and reflect them in mirrors to optimize positive energy;
  4. Place lamps in corners diagonally opposite of the door to “activate wealth energy”;
  5. Don’t block windows. Allow free flow of energy and natural light into rooms to support a happy, energized and enlightened mood;
  6. Bring nature indoors with plants to harness the calming, purifying and revitalizing qualities of nature;
  7. Incorporate natural materials such as wood furniture, clay or terracotta planters, etc. as the wood and earth elements are linked to growth and health, and to reduce stress;
  8. Pay attention to the “commanding position of feng shui”, which dictates that it is best to place a sofa or desk where you have a clear view of the door and of the overall room. This placement will give you a sense of empowerment and control and will help you focus. Similarly, place a bed against a solid wall to provide protection while you sleep and diagonally opposite a door to eliminate negative energy and ensure a restful sleep. And we all know that sleep affects everything from our mood to physical health.

Whether one believes in the effects of “energy” on one’s space or not, there is no denying feng shui is a thoughtful and deliberate technique, which is one of the hallmarks of designing with wellness in mind.
Laura McMahon